Monday, March 12, 2012

Wordle Lesson Plan

Teacher: Andres Lora

Grade Level: Middle School

Title: Astronomy Wordle Lesson Plan

Brief History and Background:

To be taught in coordination with a space lesson this lesson plan will help strengthen the students vocabulary in a creative and design based environment. Students will be creating constellations with the vocabulary that they are learning in their science class regarding space, planets and other celestial bodies.

3.5 Earth Sciences(Natural Sciences)
3.8 Science, Technology, and Human Endeavors
9.1 Production of Art
9.2 Historical and Cultural Contexts

Goal: Create constellations using space terminology


Students will...

have a firmer grasp of space related vocabulary
be able to identify the shapes of specific constellations

Resource Materials/Visual Aides: Constellation app, or constellation globe, examples of effective typography (photos made of words etc)

Supplies/Materials: Legal sized black paper for all students,chalk, list of space terms

Teacher Preparation: use a piece of cardboard to create a guide for your constellation and map out the star points for Orion, Ursa Major, and Leo by putting holes in the cardboard at the star points of the constellations. Put constellations first in paper and then in chalk on each students page, and set up supplies at the table.

Discuss the unit they have been working on to get them using the space vocabulary an talking about the different constellations they know. Talk about the importance of type and the arrangement of type.

Have students arrive to prepared class room and start discussing the work they are doing in their science class. Show examples of effective type and ask the students to find a creative way to show the key terms from the list of space vocabulary provided and using the constellations as your design guide. Students must use all of the space words, which can be repeated in the different constellations provided. By writing the words the repetition of it will help the students remember, and ease the pressure of memorizing the vocabulary words.

This exercise will not only reinforce the knowledge the students have about space, but they will also display their design and typographical skills in their arrangement of the different words.

Time Budget: 45 minutes

Vocabulary: words from


1 comment:

  1. Nice, creative lesson. I also like the simplicity of your blog; easy to follow, read and understand.
